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The Way To Uninstall NetNanny From The Display

This report is a comprehensive guide about the best way to uninstall NetNanny from the PC. In the event you want to know just how to uninstall the edition of the program please read on, also then it’s possible to stick to the guidelines below, in the event that you are not a professional using computer programs.

To start with, what do you need to do if you wish to uninstall NetNanny? To disable the program, you want to go to your Start menu, then click “Run” so as to put in your personal computer’s directory.

Once inside your personal computer’s directory, then you should find a folder named”My Computer”, and it is a URL to your C drive. In this folder is a subfolder called”Program Files”, which is a hyperlink to your system’s registry, that’s the part of your computer where your entire settings are stored. You need to find this app files.

Now that you know exactly what this folder is, then you check to find out if any one of these files to this app is there and ought to go in that folder. The file should be deleted by you if there’s. But when there is nothing inside this folder, then you should go back to the app’s directory, and delete all the files .

However there was yet another way about just what to uninstall NetNanny. This manner is not as how to uninstall it as time consuming, however it requires a little bit more knowledge about what best to use the control line as a way to do away with this application form. Here is the process to follow along:

– Click on the Start button, and then click busy window. In the box that appears, type”net stop netnanny”. You ought to take a examine the box that is in the box that may be, after you type this word. This box will tell you when the application remains running, and after you find out that it really is, you should delete the document called”NetNanny.exe”.

– It is extremely important that you use quote marks, and you usually do not put special characters before the word”netnanny”. Simply replace the term”netnanny” with the name of the program that you wish to get rid of, and then hit the Enter key on your keyboard. Once you do this, you should see a message box appears that says”The program is not found”.

– To figure out whether the application is still running, you should go in the folder where the file was deleted by you and check if the application form is there. You should proceed to take out the application, When it’s there.

– you ought to use the command line to manually uninstall it. Whether you’re able to remove the application 21, because people know how to uninstall it, you need to check. You should click on the Start button, and then on Run, if you don’t have the appropriate skills to do this.

– Once you have gone into the command line, you ought to type the next command:”net stop NetNanny”. This will request the name of this application, and then it will close the command line. After this control, you should go in the commandline again, and type the following one:”net start NetNanny”. This will ask you for the application’s name, then it will only close the command line.

– Once removing the application, you should save yourself the changes that you get to your registry. In this manner, you can then let your computer get straight back to usual. Simply make sure that you also have installed the most up-to-date virus security tool you may get, and that your antivirus programis up so far.

By this time, you ought to understand how to uninstall NetNanny. This article has given you some guidance on what to uninstall the program and let your computer run normally.


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